Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Louis' Christmas Wish

Louis got to sit on Santa's lap and ask for a present at the ward party the other night. I'm pretty sure he asked for a bulldozer. He doesn't even know what one is. When he got home that night, Miles went and layed in bed with him to help him sleep, and was asking him what else he wanted from Santa. Louis (who shares a room with Miles and Charlie, and sleeps on a crib mattress on the floor) said, "Miles! Maybe he could bring me a new bed! A real one!" to which Miles replied, "Yeah....maybe." Louis thought a bit more and added, "But a real bed probably wouldn't fit in here, would it...But MAYBE a REAL LITTLE bed would!" Miles laughed and told him it was a good idea.

Louis' bed situation is not permanent, nor is it ideal...but we have NEVER discussed it with him once. He must lie there thinking about these things at night while everyone else is snug and already asleep in their REAL beds!


Julia Harps said...

I have a whit toddler bed I iwll be getting rid of some time in January. It's yours if you want it. cute story!

Lindsay said...

Oh, sweet Louis! His time as the youngest will come...everyone will move out and he'll rule the house! looks like he isn't a fan of blankets- same as Luke.

Sharp Family said...

how cute!! That boy is so smart.

emily said...

alli was on the floor on a toddler mattress too, for a long time, until we needed the mattress for tess' crib and finally got alli up out of spider territory.

builds character. makes them not even care if they get a hand-me-down wrong-gender racecar bed (hypothetically . . ) when the time comes.

i feel so much more bonded with you guys now. ;)